For our Tenants

Tenant Manual Emergencies Procedures Cleaning Specifications

Tenant Information

The Office Tower at Jordan Commons provides janitorial, maintenance, and public safety services. Specifications for janitorial service are provided in your lease agreement. The following information is provided to help ensure that you receive quality service.


Jordan Commons management takes security of tenants and the facility very seriously.
The Public Safety Office is located in the South Loading Dock Tunnel. Please call the Public Safety Office at 801-304-4546 or 801-563-4268 under the following circumstances:

  • Solicitors, trespassers, vagrants, etc. are present within the Office Tower or on the property.
  • Suspicion of theft or security questions.
  • An escort is needed to a vehicle at night.
  • To notify of an accident or emergency within the Office Tower or on the property.
  • You need access to the building after hours and have the proper authorization.

Soliciting/loitering – No soliciting is permitted anywhere on the Jordan Commons campus, including withing buildings, parking areas, or open spaces. Distributing advertising material of any kind is prohibited.

Security is located on the first floor of the office tower. Security is not onsite after hours or on weekends.


Requests for maintenance services can be made by calling Building Management at 801-304-4665. You can also E-mail your maintenance request to Building Management at

If a maintenance emergency ever arises after normal business hours, call the Public Safety Office at Office at 801-304-4546 or 801-563-4268.